October 1st & 2nd 2025

Rotterdam Ahoy
Ahoyweg 10
3084 BA Rotterdam

Opening hours
1 October 2025 - 10:00 to 17:00
2 October 2025 - 10:00 to 17:00

Free WiFi

Card & cash

Guarded wardrobe

2000 parking lots


With the car

Follow the A16 till Rotterdam. Follow Ring Rotterdam untill Zierikzee (A15). Take on the A15 the exit to Ahoy and follow the signs "Ahoy".

With the public transport

Rotterdam Ahoy is perfectly accessible with the public transport. Don't forget to buy a ticket or to use your chip card the right way.

From the airport

Rotterdam Ahoy is accessible within an hour from Schiphol and The Hague Airport. You could travel with a taxi to Ahoy.


Rotterdam Ahoy has 2000 parking spaces. The fee is €19 for a passenger car per day.

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